• 401 Frederica Street, B-203
  • Owensboro, Kentucky 42301
  • (270) 685-2652 | FAX (270) 685-6074
Volume 2 Issue 5

In This Issue

Framing the Issue:

What will work along the riverfront?

As alluring as a $40 million gift for our riverfront may be, if a substantial amount of private sector investment does not occur as a complement to the ambitious Riverfront Master Plan, or if incompatible private investments occur that impede the ability to appropriately develop the riverfront, the project will fall tragically short of its potential. What kind of private investment will best complement this astonishing public (taxpayer) investment? What has the best chance of success? What vision and strategy should our community embrace? We examine several options.

Minority role models:

A lifeline to stability and success

Frank Posey of Owensboro has had many role models. When he was a boy, Joe Lewis, Jackie Robinson and Nat King Cole caught his attention. As he got older, it was his mother and grandmother who taught him about life and what to expect growing up as an African-American in a small rural Kentucky town. As a young man, he would sit for hours and listen while a black doctor gave advice on hard lessons learned.

Ten keys to an energized downtown

As a downtown resident and lifelong downtown advocate, it is gratifying to observe the progress occurring in downtown Owensboro and the prospects of even more exciting possibilities. With unprecedented ($40 million) federal government support for the riverfront and major new anchors targeted for downtown, these are exciting times for our community.

Editor's Notes:

Making sense of public input

Viewed from an airplane, it is even more deplorable. The plush green of the Appalachian Mountains ends abruptly, exposing a gray, moon-like surface. Now there are only twisting haul roads and rubble, a vast lifeless plateau. It goes on for miles. There are no longer valleys between the mountains. Everything that isn’t coal from what was atop the oldest and most diverse broadleaf forest in North America has been blasted apart and shoved over the side, clogging and polluting streams, dispersing wildlife, dismissing an ecosystem.

Citizens Speak: Leaders Respond

Citizens encourage additional forums on unification


About the Publication

The Public Life Advocate, published bi-monthly, is committed to be a trusted resource of information and analysis of public concerns and community issues. The Advocate is a community-driven publication, grounded in a commitment to be "of the people, by the people, and for the people."


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