This ad comes from the forum on the future of coal plants in the Owensboro area. Note: It ran in the Henderson Gleaner because the plants were proposed all through the immediate Ohio Valley area.
Sample News Release Announcing a Forum
This news release announces an upcoming forum, this one on the Executive Inn, to generate attendance. And the resulting press story will be free!
Sample News Release Reporting the Results of a Forum
This news release reports the opinions of the participants at the forum on the future of coal plants. Another way to get your issue in front of the public for no charge. These little stories are important in that they get the issue on the public’s agenda.
This budget provides a look at expenses for a forum on obesity. The budget of $5,000 seems fairly standard, though you should note that most of the cost is in-kind contributions.
This agenda includes the schedule for an evening forum on “The Challenged American Family.”
Here are the questions asked at a local forum on early childhood education. Obviously, the questions would vary depending on the issue. But note the varied format of the questions (true/false, multiple choice, top three choices).
This is a guide for people at each table who have volunteered to moderate the discussion. Simple, but useful.
Recorders at each table are responsible to writing down key observations about the discussion at the table. Note that most of these questions could be repeated for any issue.
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